About us
International Nepali Church is an independent non-denominational congregation founded on the leadership of Jesus Christ to proclaim His Word as written in the Bible. We are a place where people of diverse backgrounds come together to unite in the name of Jesus Christ. We always encourage personal empowerment, family values and friendship development towards the building a loving and caring community.
On Aug 2, 2009 few families of believers gathered for a humble beginning under the leadership of founder and senior pastor Kris Kafle to serve Nepali speaking communities based on the biblical principles of love, forgiveness and acceptance. Since that time, God has taken us on a journey of faith that has led us to our current location at 2505 W Northgate Dr, Irving, Texas 75062.
In those years INC has grown to approximately 120 people gathering each weekend to worship God and strengthen each other. We desire to share and care for people at home (Dallas Fort Worth area) and all around the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We hope exploring our website gives you a better understanding about who we are.

Our Mission
Our Mission statement can be summed up in one word: REACH.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” this is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it ” Love your neighbor as yourself.” -Matthew 22: 36-39.
At International Nepali Church we: Reach UP | Reach IN | Reach OUT.
Reaching UP is a vertical reach to touch God. We reach up through worship and pray.
Reaching IN is a horizontal reach to bless others. We reach in through serving and giving within the community of International Nepali Church. We serve God by serving each other.
Reaching OUT is the outward reach. Reaching out is the only way that we can change the world. We have to be bold and courageous. Jesus commanded us to go into the entire world and present the good news of Jesus.

Our Vision
We are committed to work with people who are isolated from the gospel because of language. culture, geography, social or political circumstances.
Our aspiration is to make His name known among those who have never heard before thru’ serving spiritual, emotional and physical needs and equipping people into different ministry to discover the gifts and talents God has given.